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10.06.2024 09:21:21

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Swords of the Polish Army 1918-1939
Artikel-ID: 19506969  •  Kategorie: Blankwaffen > Säbel

SofortKauf Preis 15,00 EUR pro Stück
Verfügbare Anzahl 4 Stück
Restzeit beendet
Ende 02.04.2024 18:33:19 MEZ
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  Verkäufer z_cyankiewicz (327) 
  Artikelstandort 23-400 Bilgoraj
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Zahlung: Barzahlung, Vorkasse
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Versandkosten: 12,00 EUR (Inland)

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 "Die Säbel der Polnischen Armee 1918 - 1939"




Janusz Jarosławski author and publisher as well as an expert and collector presents a unique work dedicated to the history of sword. After numerous publications, describing Prussian, German, Russian and Soviet, Scandinavian and British blade weapons, finally, the time for a recollection of Polish sabres has come. This humble work is a result of nearly thirty years endeavours of the author, his family and cooperating to them researching team spending hundreds of hours in libraries, archives and museums searching information checking and proving them. It submits a huge value, unpublished, iconographic material, that has been enriched with detailed descriptions and comments. There is a place here to refine the particular types and patterns of the sabres shown. This work explains many inaccuracies that have accumulated over the years. They have been a result of selective and partial research treatment on the Polish sabre and the lack of a comprehensive monograph that would undertake this topic in a broad and yet very detailed manner. This publication fills in the existing gap in the above mentioned topic researches. At the same time, a presentation method of the collected material, additionally supplemented with theoretical and practical considerations, makes it an excellent reading for professional researchers, appraisers, experts, antiquarians as well as beginner collectors or people who are just interested in the past.

136 Seiten, zahlreiche Fotos, überwiegend in FARBE, Großformat ca. 21,5 x 30 cm, deutscher Text, Hardcover gebunden. Each book be signed by the author.


Shipping Deutschland Kurier DPD - 12 EUR, Shipping EU - 17 EUR






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